
UCP provides comprehensive employment-related resources and information. Across the country, UCP affiliates provide employment programs and assistance to job seekers with disabilities and work with employers to improve the recruitment and retention of persons with disabilities in the workforce.

People with disabilities have made great strides in the workforce; however, there is still a long way to go. Employment statistics show this disparity–approximately 20% of people with disabilities are in the workforce, compared to 80% of people without a disability.

The US Office on Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) is a reliable source of information on employment and disability. ODEP provides national leadership on disability employment by developing and influencing the use of evidence-based disability employment policies and practices.

Other Helpful Resources

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.

The National Center on Workforce and Disability provides training, technical assistance, policy analysis, and information to improve access for all in the workforce development system.

The Alliance for Full Participation (AFP) is a formal partnership of leading developmental disabilities organizations with a common vision- to create a better and more fulfilling quality of life for people with developmental disabilities.

As a founding member of the AFP, UCP is committed to supporting the vision of this partnership of 15 national organizations- to create a better and fulfilling quality of life for people with disabilities through employment.

Laws and Regulations

Title I of the ADA requires employers with 15 or more employees to provide qualified individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from the full range of employment-related opportunities available to others. For example, it prohibits discrimination in recruitment, hiring, promotions, training, pay, social activities, and other privileges of employment. It restricts questions that can be asked about an applicant’s disability before a job offer is made, and it requires that employers make reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities, unless it results in undue hardship. Learn more about the ADA and Employment.

Know Your Rights

The ADA: Your Employment Rights as a Person with a Disability

An overview of protections in job application procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment guaranteed to workers with disabilities under the ADA.

The ADA: Guide for Employers

An overview for employers about the rights of employees with disabilities in job application procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.

EEOC Disability Discrimination

An overview of Disability discrimination in the workplace

Job Seekers

There are many resources to help people with disabilities gain and maintain employment. Whether it is finding the right job training program or employment supports, the following resources can help with your job search.

GettingHired is a recruitment solution dedicated to helping inclusion employees search for and hire professional individuals with disabilities veterans.

Ability JOBS is the largest US Job On-line Job Bank for people with disabilities.

JobTIPS is a student online program offering real world examples and assistance to teens and adults transitioning to the workplace.

DisAbledPerson is an online job board that allows individuals to connect with future employers by posting resumes and finding detailed information about potential jobs and is free to job seekers.

The Ticket to Work Program (TICKET) is a free and voluntary program that can help Social Security beneficiaries go to work, get a decent job that may lead to a career, and become financially independent, all while they keep their Medicare or Medicaid. Individuals who receive Social Security benefits because of a disability and are age 18 to 64, are probably already qualified for the TICKET Program.

Start Your Own Business

Small business ownership and other self-employment options are viable employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities. Learn more about entrepreneurship from these resources below:

Self-Employment & Entrepreneurship for People with Disabilities

Fact sheet on entrepreneurship from the Office of Disability Employment Policy.

Entrepreneurship Resources from the Job Accommodation Network

Information on self-employment and small business development regarding business planning, financing strategies, marketing research, disability-specific programs, income supports and benefits planning, e-commerce, independent contracting, home-based business options, and small business initiatives.

Self-Employment Technical Assistance, Resources, & Training

START-UP / USA provides technical assistance and disseminates resources nationally to individuals interested in pursuing self-employment. This includes online courses and live web cast series with successful entrepreneurs who share their secrets for success.

State Vocational Rehabilitation Offices

Directory of vocational rehabilitation (VR) offices by State. VR programs provide a wide range of services designed to help individuals with disabilities prepare for and engage in gainful employment consistent with their strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice.


Employers, human resource professionals, and business managers can help make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities by giving them access and opportunities for employment. Learn about disability employment policy, best practices, workplace accommodations, performance standards and more through the following resources.

Technical Assistance for Businesses and Employers

The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) helps employers recruit, hire, retain and advance people with disabilities. In addition to hosting webinars and other events, EARN also maintains a website, AskEARN.org, which provides information on: recruiting and hiring; retention and advancement; laws and regulations; creating an accessible and welcoming workplace; and federal contractor requirements. The website also offers a variety of resources to assist state and federal government agencies in making their workforces more inclusive and reflective of the citizens they serve.

The National Network provides information, guidance and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), tailored to meet the needs of business, government and individuals at local, regional, and national levels.

Resources to foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The Council assists corporations with issues relating to the employment of people with disabilities in the areas of ADA compliance, building and product accessibility, reasonable accommodation, job analysis, recruitment, specialized equipment, career development and much more.

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