Legislative Policy Agenda for the 119th Congress
UCP is pleased to share the 119th Congress Public Policy Agenda, which is a joint effort with UCP and the following organizations: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR), Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), Autism Society of America (ASA), Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), TASH, and The ARC.
This group is actively shaping disability policy to promote accessibility, inclusion, and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities.
Our Policy Priorities
In the realm of disability policy, several key pieces of legislation are currently at the forefront, aiming to address various aspects of accessibility, employment, community living, education, and healthcare for people with disabilities. These bills reflect ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of life and opportunities for people with disabilities, advocating for their rights and inclusion in society. Among these legislative initiatives are proposals to expand tax incentives for businesses to improve accessibility, phase out subminimum wage practices, ensure community integration, prohibit dangerous seclusion and restraint practices in schools, extend funding for community-based care programs, and improve access to complex rehabilitation technology. These efforts underscore a commitment to advancing disability rights and fostering a more inclusive society for all.
We acknowledge that many vital federal laws affect our constituency. To further the promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Olmstead decision, major programs that provide supports and services must be aligned with principles of encouraging and supporting non-discrimination; full, meaningful inclusion in community life; and economic self-sufficiency. Such programs also must be accessible and available to those who need them and must be dependable, even in difficult economic times. Medicaid and Social Security, including Supplemental Security Income, provide crucial support to our constituents; potential changes to either program, therefore, require significant attention to the potential impact on people with disabilities. The relationship between Medicaid and direct support professionals requires very close policy coordination. A free and appropriate public education for students with disabilities remains the lynchpin to being an independent adult who is economically self-sufficient and a taxpayer.
Thus, the agenda related to civil rights; community-based long term supports and services; developmental disabilities; direct support professionals; education; employment, training, and wages; health care; medicaid; and Social Security/income maintenance constitute our highest priorities for the 119th Congress.
Civil Rights
- Equality Act
- Voting Rights Advancement Act
- Disability Integration Act
- IDEA Full Funding Act
Community-Based Long Term Supports and Services
- Better Care Better Jobs Act
- Reauthorization of the Money Follows the Person Program
- Medicaid Services Investment and Accountability Act
Developmental Disabilities
- Disability Integration Act
- Autism CARES Act
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Reauthorization
Direct Support Professionals
- Direct Support Professional Recognition Week Resolution
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Reauthorization
Employment, Training, and Wages
- Raise the Wage Act
Health Care
- Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act
- Access to Affordable Health Care Act
- Medicaid Services Investment and Accountability Act
- Medicaid Saves Lives Act
Social Security/Income Maintenance
- Social Security 2100 Act
- Social Security Expansion Act