By Yasmina Saba
Growing up, I rarely saw anyone like me on screen. Disability was either a tragedy or a plot device. Things are finally changing, and authentic representation is emerging, giving space to real stories told by people who’ve lived them. This is powerful because it shows us we belong and that our voices matter. The fun part is that we’re just getting started!

As someone with cerebral palsy (CP), I was thrilled to learn that Disney+ would release a film dedicated to the disability. It was even more exciting to learn that someone with lived experience would represent the community. This change in traditional casting avenues proved to be a challenge for Amber Sealey, the director of the film Out Of My Mind. According to the article, Phoebe-Rae Taylor brings real life to ‘Out of My Mind’, Sealey had to expand the places she was looking because “there was not a large pool of actors with cerebral palsy available going through traditional casting offices.” Amber and her team turned to unique places like organizations and doctors along with friends who may have known someone with CP until they found Phoebe-Rae Taylor, a young girl who never considered an acting career until the opportunity arose to play the main character Melody Brooks, a sixth grader with CP who is non-verbal and uses a wheelchair.
Although Phoebe-Rae does not match Melody in terms of the level of severity of her CP as she is verbal with a speech impediment, I know that having someone fighting the battle of CP every day gave the people on set a unique perspective on the challenges that many people with it face. Disney helped shed light on a disability that affects 1.5 to 2.5 live births per 1,000, according to the National Library of Medicine. I will forever be grateful that they used someone from the community because tears started to flow as I watched the film. This was the first film to closely and accurately depict a lot of my trials in the public school system, even though I was not a wheelchair user or nonverbal.
Out Of My Mind isn’t the only work that features a character affected by Cerebral Palsy. ABC’s 9-1-1, formerly on Fox, has a character named Christopher Diaz. Unlike Out Of My Mind, it does not seem like CP was an intentional characteristic of Christopher’s. Gavin McHugh, who plays Christopher, has CP. If you have seen the show, you know Christopher’s disability is very evident as he uses forearm crutches to walk. If I had to guess, I would say that the writers felt that if CP wasn’t addressed, it would be a significant oversight of something that makes Gavin and, therefore, Christopher who he is. Addressing Christopher’s CP allowed the writers to embed some of the issues that those affected by the disability face into the storylines. For example, in season 3, Episode 12, entitled Eddie’s Last Day, Christopher expresses interest in riding a skateboard despite having a disability.

When his dad asks why he would attempt something so dangerous, Christopher responds, “You always said I could do anything; you lied.” Later in the episode, Eddie sits down with Christopher to express that he never wants him to stop trying. They agreed that they would try new things together until Christopher is old enough to attempt them on his own, and the episode closes with Eddie, Christopher, and their friends in a skate park as Christopher tries skateboarding using adaptive equipment.
This episode was relatable because my parents always said I could do anything I put my mind to. However, like Christopher, even at 26 years old, I still get discouraged when my body does not allow me to do an activity that I would like to participate in. I know that many things I want to do will have barriers because of my disability, but my loved ones and I try not to let the barriers stop me too much. It was nice that Eddie did not stop Christopher from experiencing his desires; even with barriers, they could adapt as a team and create memories for Christopher that he would never forget.
People with disabilities should have equal opportunity to be represented on both the big and the little screen. The Easterseals Disability Film Challenge is encouraging just that. This challenge requires that the films produced for it have someone with a disability either behind or in front of the camera. Many challenge participants have acted in several major shows and movies, including but not limited to The Accountant 2, Wicked, and NCIS, with various intellectual and physical disabilities represented. This challenge is not only creating opportunities for inclusion and awareness of disabilities but also creating jobs for people with disabilities who want to pursue something in the entertainment field.
Representation is powerful; it can make those who feel alone no longer feel alone, and those who never asked questions begin to ask, which could lead to more funding for the disability being showcased and possibly new treatments or cures. As Amber Sealey stated, “People with disabilities have so far not been welcomed into Hollywood. Both in front of the camera and behind the camera. That is what needs to change.” If we, as a disabled community, are loud enough, I think we can change Hollywood’s view of us for the better. Don’t let anybody or anything make you feel that you do not deserve the goodness that the world has to offer you; your disability makes you who you are, and your feelings and experiences are valid, so stand loud and proud in yourself and your disability!
About the Author

Yasmina Saba is a dedicated marketing volunteer with UCP, bringing her passion for storytelling and community engagement to the team. With a background in communications, marketing and nonprofit outreach, she has experience in content creation, social media strategy and persuasive communication. As someone with cerebral palsy, she is deeply committed to accessibility, advocacy and independence. Through her contributions, Yasmina hopes to educate the UCP community about what it’s like living with a disability, foster connections with others facing similar challenges, and share valuable insights that empower and uplift. Beyond her volunteer work, Yasmina enjoys traveling, diamond painting and movies — creative outlets that inspire her.
Photos courtesy of Yasmina Saba, Disney+, Easterseals and Gavin McHugh.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of United Cerebral Palsy or its affiliates.