Breaking Barriers: Debunking 10 Myths About Cerebral Palsy

What is cerebral palsy? How does someone get cerebral palsy? What does someone with cerebral palsy look like? Do all people with cerebral palsy have intellectual disabilities? Is it contagious? Is it curable? There are all questions many people — especially parents of children who are newly diagnosed with the condition — may be asking themselves.

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of neurological disorders that affect movement, muscle tone and posture. It is caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the developing brain, often before birth. CP varies in severity and can lead to difficulties with coordination, speech, muscle stiffness or weakness, involuntary movements, balance issues, and sometimes — but not always — it can include intellectual delays. Simply put, CP is different for everyone because no two cases are identical.

Trouble with movement is a common symptom among people with CP, leading to misconceptions about that person’s life and the condition overall. For example, just because someone has difficulty with speech does not mean they lack the intellectual ability to communicate. With medical intervention and therapy, most people with CP can live independent and fulfilling lives.

Here are the top 10 myths about CP, and how you can help break barriers by spreading the correct information to those around you.

MYTH #1: CP is a disease.

FACT: CP is not a disease; it is a neurological disorder caused by brain damage or abnormal development. It is not contagious or progressive.

MYTH #2: CP is always caused by complications at birth.

FACT: While birth-related oxygen deprivation, for example, can cause CP, most cases result from prenatal factors such as infections, genetic mutations or brain malformations before birth.

MYTH #3: CP is caused by parental negligence and is preventable.

Girl sitting on the lap of a woman while she interacts with a an assistive device

FACT: The causes of CP are varied and often involve factors beyond parental control, such as premature birth, infections during pregnancy, or complications during delivery.

MYTH #4: CP can be cured.

FACT: There is no cure for CP, but therapy, assistive devices and medical interventions can significantly improve quality of life and function.

MYTH #5: CP gets worse over time.

FACT: Although CP is permanent, it is not progressive, meaning what causes it does not get worse over time. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, “CP is the leading cause of childhood disabilities in the U.S., but it doesn’t always cause severe disabilities. Someone with mild CP may not need any assistance or may have slight problems, while a person with severe CP might need special equipment or lifelong care. Cerebral palsy isn’t progressive, meaning it doesn’t necessarily get worse over time. Some symptoms may even change or get better as the child gets older.” Everyone’s journey is unique, and therapy, environment and other factors play a part.

MYTH #6: CP Symptoms are the same for everyone.

FACT: CP manifests differently in everyone. The severity, type, and combination of symptoms can vary widely from person to person. There are different types of CP, classified based on movement issues:

  • Spastic CP – The most common type, causing stiff and tight muscles.
  • Dyskinetic CP – Characterized by involuntary, uncontrolled movements.
  • Ataxic CP – Causes problems with balance and coordination.
  • Mixed CP – A combination of two or more types.

In addition, the symptoms of CP vary depending on which part of the brain is damaged. If the damage affects the motor cortex, it can cause muscle stiffness and difficulty with voluntary movements. Damage to the basal ganglia may lead to involuntary movements and difficulty with muscle control, while injury to the cerebellum can result in problems with balance and coordination.

When brain damage extends to areas responsible for cognitive processing, such as the frontal lobe, it can lead to intellectual disabilities, difficulties with problem-solving, learning delays, or challenges in communication and social interactions. However, not everyone with cerebral palsy experiences intellectual impairment, as it depends on the location and severity of the brain injury.

Man in a wheelchair playing basketball

MYTH #7: Exercise makes CP symptoms worse.

FACT: Physical activity and therapy are crucial for individuals with CP. Proper exercises can improve mobility, muscle strength and coordination.

MYTH #8: CP always affects cognitive abilities.

FACT: While some individuals with CP may have cognitive impairments, many have normal or above-average intelligence. CP primarily affects motor skills.

MYTH #9: All people with CP have intellectual disabilities.

FACT: The majority of people with CP do not have an intellectual disability. While some individuals with CP may have cognitive impairments, many have average or above-average intelligence. CP primarily affects movement, not necessarily thinking or learning.

Man with in a wheelchair with his family

MYTH #10: People with CP cannot live independently or contribute to society.

FACT: With the right support and resources, many individuals with CP live independently, have careers, drive cars and travel, have families and otherwise lead very fulfilling lives. The level of independence varies depending on the severity of the condition and the interventions and therapies employed that help them overcome their challenges.

Understanding the facts and debunking the myths about CP is essential for creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for those affected by the condition. By educating ourselves and others, we can foster better awareness, acceptance, and help loved ones and others affected by the condition live happier and healthier lives.

For more information about cerebral palsy, head over to our resources page.

United Cerebral Palsy
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